Hazardous waste, which is primarily produced by industry and business, should never be within the vicinity of residential communities. They are known to cause dizziness and headaches, or worse, deadly conditions such as cancer. Enviro Care Inc., an environmental remediation company, adds that such substances can cause great harm to the environment. Proper disposal of hazardous materials in Utah is therefore absolutely necessary.
Here are the mediums through which people can get exposed to toxic waste.
Exposure to hazardous chemicals can occur when people drink and use contaminated surface water or groundwater. Direct skin contact and accidental ingestion, which can happen during activities like swimming and showering, are also an exposure pathway. A 2011 study has found that swimmers have detectable levels of the chlorine by-product haloacetic acids (HAAs) within 30 minutes of swimming. High amounts of this chemical have been linked to cancer and birth defects.
Harmful chemicals penetrate the environment through emissions, spills, and leaks. These apply to air toxins, too. People can breathe chemical vapors and air contaminated with hazardous chemicals.
The food that we eat may contain chemicals that can make us sick. Contamination may happen when the food sources or ingredients come into contact with hazardous chemicals. Even the food chain can be a medium for toxic chemical transfers. Chemicals that enter waterways like lakes, rivers, and oceans can contaminate the catch. Fish can take in these chemicals from the food that they eat. People can then consume these chemicals when they eat contaminated fish. Some dangerous chemicals in fish include mercury, PCBs, dieldrin, and DDTs.
Children are particularly susceptible to ingesting, breathing in, and having direct skin contact with hazardous chemicals found in soil. It’s because they’re prone to putting their hands in their mouths even when they’re dirty. The younger ones also tend to put toys and other items into their mouths.
Without proper disposal, hazardous chemicals can pose a risk to humans and animals. It can leach into and contaminate our water, air, food, the soil.