Human resources need the full support of its management to build and maintain corporate wellness programs. The state of Georgia is home to many nature parks and businesses dedicated to health and recreation. Once HR departments secure funding, it would be short work designing comprehensive health initiatives in Roswell to improve the physical and mental health of employees.
When proposing an institutionalized health and wellness program falls on your hands, here are a few excellent arguments that could sway the upper management’s decision in your favor.
Sufficient Funding is Essential for Corporate Wellness Programs
Employee health and wellness are essential to a company’s success. Programs that promote them, therefore, should have high priority and substantial budgets. Having the upper management’s approval can fast track the creation and dissemination of new policies and disbursement of funds. Employees can then work on achieving personal health and wellness goals as soon as possible.
Biometric Health Screenings Can Help Reduce Health Plan Costs
Biometric screenings shouldn’t replace the regular physical exams required by healthcare providers. Rather, they benchmark the health status of the employees over a given period. Screening vendors collect employees’ physical data (e.g., height, weight, body mass index, blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol level) and identify employees at risk of certain diseases. Risk assessment results can be used to manage risk and design interventions (e.g., anti-smoking policy). Additionally, they can identify those who have symptoms of chronic illnesses and should therefore receive medical assessment and treatment.
With biometric screenings, your organization can prevent high absences and low productivity due to health issues.
Workplace Modifications Can Have a Great Impact on Collective Health
Promoting healthy food choices in the workplace is at the core of many corporate wellness programs today. Sadly, most people think their only lunch option is fast food. They’re affordable and get served within their allotted break time. For afternoon breaks, they head to convenience stores. These are often the nearest places to have a quick snack. Unfortunately, they mostly serve junk food and sweetened beverages.
A 90-minute lunch break is ideal because it gives employees ample time to find healthier food alternatives. If this isn’t possible, however, the organization should consider providing catered lunches or snacks. Employees are more likely to eat healthy choices when they’re readily available and for free. Health-conscious personnel would appreciate the gesture, which could help the company earn their loyalty.
Another workplace policy you can propose is afternoon nap breaks. Restful breaks during the day can help boost productivity. Some of the world’s biggest companies have already proven that workplace napping policies can have professional and psychological benefits.
Lastly, you can pitch a fitness center to the leaders of your organization. An office gym won’t come cheap, but it can benefit everyone in the company. For starters, it can help attract top talent to join your company. For another, it can help improve morale. Regular exercise helps improve sleep and releases endorphins which elevate the mood. It could transform your sluggish workforce into a healthy, energetic, and productive team. Such long-term benefits could justify your proposal of an on-site fitness center.
A healthy workplace is a happy workplace. Happy and healthy workers become more productive, enabling the company to achieve high returns of investment. What is your organization prepared to do to boost the health and wellbeing of its employees?