Common Causes of Weak Teeth Across All Ages

People generally ignore their oral health since they assume it plays a minor role in their overall body health. This, in most cases, is the primary reason for repeated unexplained viral and bacterial conditions since your mouth will form a gateway for microorganisms into your bloodstream. Dental enamel is among the strongest structures in your body and when well protected will significantly boost your general health status. Unfortunately, its damage is permanent since it cannot be repaired like other body tissues.

A family dentist in Fort Worth will therefore focus his/her efforts on the preservation of your dental enamel’s integrity and consequently strengthening of your teeth. The best way for you to contribute to the dental efforts aimed at preserving your teeth’s enamel is by first understanding what might weaken it.

Here are a few causes of weak teeth.

Poor Diet

The foods and drinks you consume have a crucial role in the strengthening of your dental enamel. Consuming high carb and sugary foods weakens your dental enamel since it contributes to its erosion. Soft drinks more so fizzy ones contain high phosphoric and citric acid levels. These two acids slowly eat away at your dental enamel and have been in fact proven to cause more erosion compared to battery acid.

Environmental Factors

Normal wear and tear will also contribute to the erosion of your dental enamel. There are different terms used to describe the environmental factors that cause this. Abfraction denotes the loss of dental enamel by putting excessive pressure on the teeth when biting or chewing. Abrasion refers to dental enamel weakening resulting from biting hard objects such as fingernails and bottle caps or chewing tobacco. Corrosion follows ingestion of acidic content or frequent vomiting because of bulimia or alcoholism while attrition follows teeth grinding or clenching.

Dry Mouth

Woman holding her jaw

This oral health condition also known as xerostomia is also a leading contributor to weak teeth. The saliva in your mouth not only helps in food digestion but also cleans your mouth continually and prevents infections. In dry mouth, the saliva is reduced and so is the ability to ward off infections. As a result, bacteria and fungi proliferate in your mouth and attack your dental enamel thus weakening your teeth.


Enamel hypoplasia is the most common genetic condition which might contribute to weak teeth. It affects both perm anent and baby teeth and causes the inadequate deposition of enamel on the teeth’s surfaces. As such, the enamel in your teeth will be thinner than usual thus offering insufficient protection to the inner dental components.

In the early stages, weak teeth are evidenced by discoloration, cavities, brown and white spots, and tooth sensitivity. Left unattended, the enamel completely breaks down and leaves the inner layers of the teeth vulnerable to decay. By this time, you will be in unbearable pain, and the standard treatment options are a root canal followed by veneer or crown placement or tooth extraction. If however, your dentist realizes you have weak teeth during routine visits, he/she might recommend fluoride therapy, bonding, sealants, and dental crowns to avert the complete loss of your tooth’s structure.


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