Emergency Situation Preparedness What is ACLS?

Emergency situations can be immensely complex. It’s crucial to plan ahead for emergencies and to practice what to do and how to react when possible. One of the most useful tools for medical practitioners is the Allen Cognitive Levels chart, or ACL chart for short. This chart can be used to help you quickly understand what mental state someone is in.

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First, there is ACL zero. In this state, the person is comatose and not reacting to any stimuli. Next, there is ACL 1, which means that their global cognition is extremely impaired. However, the individual will respond to internal cues. In some cases, they may respond to external stimuli. For example, the individual might turn towards auditory stimulation.

For ACL 2, the person’s cognitive functions are severely impaired, however, they will have some reactions to stimuli. For example. A person may move around or shift in their bed. The individual might also be able to grab handrails. Still, for nearly any complex movement, they will need assistance. So, someone will need help getting out of bed or a chair.

At ACL 3, the individual is still suffering severe mental impairment. However, he or she will be able to grasp and distinguish objects. While these individuals will have improved autonomy, they will often still require constant assistance. There are more ACL levels, and as the individual rises in the chart their cognitive functions increase.



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