Recovering from an Illness: 4 Things You Need to Know

Senior Patient

People often assume that the worst is over once you’re discharged from the hospital, but your road to recovery is just beginning. While it’s true that you’re out of the danger zone, a lot could happen if you don’t take your recovery seriously. Your doctors expect you to focus on getting better, and if you pretend that everything is back to normal, you could relapse and find yourself back in the hospital.

Recovery after a long illness depends on a wide variety of factors, including the severity of your illness, the state of your health, and the performed procedures. I’m sure you want to get back to your old routine, but your priority now is your recovery. The more you focus on getting better, the sooner you will return to your old life. Here are a few tips and tricks that will help you get better after an illness.

1. Follow the doctor’s instructions

Before you leave the hospital, your doctor will discuss with you or with your caregiver some of the things you need to do once you’re at home recuperating. To ensure you don’t forget anything, ask for a document that details everything you just discussed with your doctor. The document should include your medication schedule, post-recovery tips, dates for follow-up visits, and emergency information if something goes wrong.

Once you’ve been discharged, you’re going to be reliant on other people for everyday tasks, so make sure your caregiver is familiar with your schedule and routine. Don’t concern yourself with the minutia of your recovery. Just listen to what your doctors and caregivers tell you to do. For instance, if your doctor wants you to go to Upright MRI for a follow-up scan, do so as soon as possible.

2. Drink lots of fluids

We’re all familiar with the healing powers of water, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that property hydration will help speed up the healing process. You might forget to do a lot of things while you’re resting, but you should never neglect your fluids. Make sure that you have enough water by your bedside so you can have a drink whenever you want.

3. Watch what you eat

Nutrition and recovery go hand in hand, and what you eat can hamper or speed up the recovery process. Your doctor will inform you ahead of time if you have any dietary restrictions, so you need to immediately communicate this to your caregiver. That way, they can prepare your meals once you return to recuperate. You also might want to ask a nutritionist to create a meal plan that works around your needs.

4. Focus on rest

Just because you’re on mandatory bed rest doesn’t mean you can watch television or use your computer all day. You’re expected to rest and sleep, and you’re not doing yourself any favors by filling your head with television. If you find yourself bored or listless, consider less taxing activities such as reading and listening to music.

A final word

The weeks after discharge can be tough, and it’s up to us to make our recovery productive and worthwhile. These four tips will help ensure a smoother and faster recovery. Pain is a normal part of the process, and minimizing movement can help prevent unnecessary suffering. Do understand that your body will need time to get back to shape, so it pays to be patient.

Your doctor will be available to answer questions you may have about the recovery process. It might be smart to ask about what to expect during your convalescence, including any symptoms you need to look out for. That way, you’ll know if you’re on the right track. Don’t hesitate to contact your doctor if something goes wrong.


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