When you have any skin issue, the first thing you probably try is DIYs. If they do not work, you may then head to a pharmacy to try out an OTC or over-the-counter product. If that fails to give the desired effect, lastly, you go to a dermatologist. These are, of course, effective in dealing with the situation. They range from topical gels and ointments to antibiotics, at times. You can treat various skin diseases, like rashes, melasma, psoriasis, and rosacea. Some even use them to brighten the skin.
Sure, skin prescription medicines may be a blessing to many, but for some, it turns out to be horror. These medicines do not work similarly for everyone. It affects people differently since everyone’s skin type is different. Hence, what works for one miraculously may not be as effective for you. There may be various side effects if the product does not suit you. Look out for the side effects here, and get alternative remedies.
If any skin ointment or cream does not suit you, you will see dryness in the area. Your skin will crack and may even become flaky. Some prescription medications can be powerful for the skin, and tretinoin may be responsible. So, look for this generic name in your prescription. It is mainly used to treat rashes and bumps on the skin. Some doctors even suggest it for discoloration. It is much stronger than a normal retinol cream or serum. These are great for treating scars and wrinkles as well.
You may see some side effects, though, at least in the initial days when your skin is getting ready to take on the strong formulation. Wait! There is nothing wrong with the medication. It is the way it works. In a few weeks, the surface tretinoin will seep into the deeper layers of the skin and start stimulating new collagen. It can also fade dark spots at a time. However, the initial days can cause you to worry.
Skin Purging
It is a condition that mainly occurs when you start using a new skincare ingredient. The skin cream or ointment might increase the cell turnover rate, which leads to breakouts. This process also pushes the worn-out layers from below to the surface and clogs the pores. The symptoms you should look out for are whiteheads, blackheads, blemishes, and cysts. A few common ingredients in skincare ointments and gels are glycolic acids, lactic acids, salicylic acids, and retinol. The duration of this adverse effect is nearly six weeks.
Do not panic when you see such a condition, do not panic, but continue to use the product in lesser quantity and use moisturizer to alleviate skin issues. There are many reasons people use salicylic acids products, one being acne. They tend to decrease inflammation. But if it causes other side effects, you can go for the best treatment for acne scars. It is a new-age laser treatment that helps reduce the marks to a huge extent. You can also get rid of chickenpox marks and other skin blemishes with this treatment. You can avail yourself of this treatment at an aesthetic clinic nearby.

Most doctors suggest patients apply azelaic acid cream on rashes and acne. It is also used to treat acne rosacea. Azelaic acid works on your skin by killing the bacteria. It is also an antioxidant. Moreover, the medication is suitable for topical application. But you should ensure that it does not get into the eyes or the nose. Additionally, a few people also have complications like swelling from such creams.
If you tend to use a lot of peels, astringents, and toners while using the azelaic acid cream, it can cause changes in skin color. Other common side effects that you may experience are itchiness, dryness, and peeling. So, it is best to follow the advice of your dermatologist while using this formulation.
Increased Sensitivity to UV Rays
If your ointment or skin cream contains AHAs or hydroquinone, you may become sensitive to UV rays. Furthermore, if you use these without proper sunscreen or sunblock, it may lead to skin damage and skin cancer, as well. AHAs are alpha-hydroxy acids that help exfoliate the skin and remove dead cells. Due to the constant exfoliating effect, the skin becomes thin on top and easily affects the sun’s rays.
Hydroquinone is a skin-lightening agent that many doctors suggest. It disrupts the formation of melanin, which can lead to more sun sensitivity. So, you should use it in small doses. Before using this, do get tested with a sample.
These are a few ingredients to name that cause some skin problems. You could be prey to more, given the high rate of pollution in the atmosphere. It is seen that certain chemicals in the products also react with chemicals dissolved in the air. So, you should exercise caution with such products and opt for the in-clinic procedure under the doctor for faster solutions.