Don’t Do These Things to Help Your Loved One Stay Sober

Drugs and alcohol

Opioids are potent drugs obtained from opium, and the United States is in the middle of a massive overdose scourge. If your loved one is one of the many people fighting opioid addiction, it’s crucial to stay away from any possible conflicts that can hinder them from getting sober.

Sobriety is a continuous journey that can be much easier with the help of family and friends. The road to recovery usually involves Suboxone treatment, as prescribed by doctors. To help your loved one stay on track, make sure to avoid the following mistakes.

Mistake #1: Focusing only on what you feel

One of the most common mistakes that people do is to focus on how their loved one’s situation makes them feel. Some people automatically blame themselves when their partner, for instance, has a relapse. However, what you need to remember is that you can’t take responsibility for other people’s choices.

You can’t force someone to change or be better instantly. Keep in mind that it’s not your fault and whatever their actions may be aren’t about you. Whatever happened to them, they must be the ones who should own it and not you.

Mistake #2: Criticizing them

When someone is under the influence of drug addition, there will be times that they may engage in behaviors that can be hurtful to their loved ones. These behaviors can range from cheating, lying or even stealing. Although it’s normal to feel angry and hurt, exchanging hurtful words won’t help the situation.

Instead, try to stay patient for as long as you can. Bear in mind that the recovery period is a long and sometimes even complicated process. There will be times when people make mistakes along the way. Whenever this happens, you need to make your loved one feel that you will still support them even when they mess up.

heroin with a blurred man in the background

Mistake #3: Deciding on their behalf

Your loved one is at a stage where they need all the support that they can get. They might even be incapable of making sound decisions for themselves, too. However, it doesn’t mean that you should be the ones deciding on their behalf entirely.

You should still make them feel that they are still a part of making decisions, especially when it concerns them. Even if you only want what’s best for them, they should have a word about any decisions that involve their welfare.

Mistake #4: Making the situation less serious

The last thing that you want to happen is to see them getting hurt. So, you always try to save your loved one time and time again. However, doing so will only make matters more problematic. They need to feel the consequences of their actions, so they’ll be motivated enough to make crucial changes in their lives. So, try to stop cushioning the pain and let them feel it.

Having someone who suffers from opioid addiction is challenging. It’s always best to encourage your loved one to get the right medication-assisted treatment. Search for an establishment them knows a lot about opioid dependence to give your loved one the support and care they need.


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