In the modern world, machines or devices undergo continuous improvement to meet the demands of the patients. In the advent of technological advancement, the world of dentistry has come a long way, thinking of ways to improve patient care.
Many dental breakthroughs that emerged over the past decades, such as 3D printing for dentistry, aim to provide quality care and reduce the risk of complications. Providing quality patient care is vital for healthcare professionals, dentists included. Here are the most notable dental breakthroughs today:
3D Printing for Dentistry
Dental appliances have evolved from simple ones to more modern and better ones. In the last few years, the development of 3D printing for both medical and dental applications has continuously increased. The technology helps provide individualized products for patients and more savings because of the lesser time used to develop dental appliances.
Before, when a dentist needed an impression of your dental cavity, there was a tedious process of appointments and staggered schedules. On the other hand, in 3D printing, all these procedures are performed in just one sitting. Dentists use this technology for various purposes, such as creating dental crowns, inlays and onlays, implants, bridges, full or partial dentures, mouth guards, night guards, and other orthodontic appliances, including clear aligners.
It makes work more comfortable and more precise, letting patients have the best smile without spending too much time on the dental chair.
Digital X-rays
Over the last decade, digital x-ray imaging has provided many benefits to health care, both in medical practice and in the world of dentistry. Digital X-rays have brought lesser cost, more productivity, reduced radiation doses, better image quality, and the need to get new skills or training.
Traditional X-rays are more expensive since films are used. On the other hand, digital radiography uses images and computers, which are more cost-effective, faster, and provide a better picture of the dental cavity. By using this equipment, more dentists save time and effort in caring for their patients with dental problems.
Intra-oral Camera
An intra-oral camera is used to help dentists to see every detail of the patient’s oral cavity and dental condition. It also provides a live view of the inner parts of the mouth that is hard to see through the dental mirror. The camera can also record a video so the dentist can see the images again when he needs to. Intra-oral cameras are used in detecting oral lumps and other lesions.
Laser Dentistry
Laser dentistry is a modern way to perform oral surgeries that have minimal bleeding and provides a faster recovery among patients. It’s essential to use this in cases when patients are at a higher risk of bleeding from the gums, such as those with hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. This is also recommended for young and old patients, especially those who can’t withstand or tolerate invasive procedures.
The dental world has evolved over the past decades. All the innovations are intended to provide quality care, make procedures faster and easier, and limit the occurrence of complications.