Is There a ‘Right’ Age for Dental Implants in Orpington?

Woman in Dental Clinic

Dental implants are a reliable, durable and long-term tooth replacement option for patients who wish to replace a few or several missing teeth. But can age affect a patient’s eligibility for dental implants?

Dental implants in Orpington are suitable for adult patients of all ages. These small, titanium posts are carefully inserted into the jawbone by a dentist such as Orpington Dental Care during a minor oral surgery, which takes a few hours. Once they are fixed into the jawbone, they are left to heal and then replacement teeth are attached on top of them.

What difference does age make to dental implant treatment?

Can someone be too old for dental implants in Orpington? The short answer is no; dental implants can benefit young adults as well as elderly patients. However, it depends on the patient. While there is no specific upper age limit for dental implants in Orpington, older patients may have been living with tooth loss for longer, which can affect the strength of the jawbone. Aging itself can also weaken the bones of the body, including the jawbone.

The good news is that treatment with dental implants can still be possible for older patients either through rebuilding the jawbone with bone grafting or using longer dental implants that are secured into the cheekbone.

One age group that cannot have dental implants is children. This is because their jawbone has not yet fully developed. For implants to fuse properly and remain stable and functional, the jawbone needs to have set hard, which only occurs in adulthood.

The importance of good oral health for dental implants

Age is not a decisive factor for receiving dental implants, but oral health is. Patients with an active oral disease such as gum disease or tooth decay cannot have dental implants until their condition is completely resolved.

Likewise, patients with uncontrolled diabetes or other conditions that affect healing may not be suitable for dental implant treatment. If dental implants are not a viable option, patients can discuss alternative options to restore their smile and oral function with their dentist. These options include bridges and dentures.


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