One popular belief about red wine is that it does your heart a favor by lowering your risk of developing cardiovascular problems. There are also studies that show links between moderate red wine intake and fewer heart attacks or decreased risk of dying due to heart disease. This is often credited to the substances found in the wine (resveratrol), which are said to be heart healthy.
While there may be studies that show associations between red wine and good heart health, cardiology centers in Payson note that they cannot prove cause and effect. Besides, it is also likely that those who drink the said beverage have higher incomes, which is also linked to better access to a heart-healthy diet or healthier food in general.
Antioxidants in red wine and moderate drinking
Red wine contains antioxidants, which is beneficial in maintaining healthy blood pressure and improving cholesterol. Studies suggest that it can increase good (HDL) cholesterol, but it does nothing in lowering the levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol. The heart health benefits are still open to debate, but “moderate” drinking does not seem to be dangerous to your ticker and overall health.
Moderate drinking, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is no more than one drink a day for women and no more than two for men. One “drink” refers to 12 ounces of beer, 8 ounces of malt liquor, 5 ounces of wine, OR 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits or liquor. The CDC also warns starting drinking or consuming more frequently based on the potential rewards.
The deal with alcohol and blood pressure
It is believed that red wine can lower blood pressure, but there is no definitive evidence that can support it. The truth is alcohol itself can raise blood pressure. It may seem otherwise, as it helps people relax and therefore lower the blood pressure slightly, but only temporarily. It will not be much of great help if you have chronic high blood pressure.
There is also no evidence that drinking red wine or any other alcoholic beverage can be a good substitute for conventional methods of lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The American Heart Association also does not recommend consuming wine or any form of alcohol to get a hold of the potential benefits.
Taking it easy with alcohol
If you decide to drink red wine or any other form of alcohol, be sure to do so in moderation. Keep in mind that you cannot expect good outcomes if you go out and overdo it with drinking. Also, it is never a good idea to start drinking if your family has a history of alcohol abuse.
Too much alcohol is associated with the number of health issues, which include heart problems. It can contribute to high blood pressure, which is an important risk factor for having a stroke or heart attack. Heavy drinking, furthermore, can contribute to obesity, including the health issues that go along with it. Keep in mind that alcohol contains calories and excessive drinking is dangerous in the long run.
There may be potential benefits to drinking red wine, but it is not necessarily worth it. If you want to protect your heart, it is best to adopt a healthy lifestyle, which includes exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and avoiding smoking, alcohol, and stress. Your physician or cardiologist can also help you make any changes that can benefit your heart and overall health in the long-term.